About Me

Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953.
Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower.
However, he ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died during his brutal reign.
Stalin became involved in revolutionary politics, as well as criminal activities, as a young man.
After Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin died, Stalin outmaneuvered his rivals for control of the party.
Stalin aligned with the United States and Britain in World War II but afterward engaged in an increasingly tense relationship with the West known as the Cold War.
After his death, the Soviets initiated a de-Stalinization process.

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Differences Between Web Versions


Web1.0 Had Purpose of Owning Content, each WebSite Seperately.
Web2.0 Had Purpose of Sharing Content, between Websites.
Web3.0 Based on Purpose of Consolidating each content.

Web Apps:

Web1.0 was based on Static Websites.
Web2.0 is the beginning of web applications.
Web3.0 Based on Intelligent web-based functions and apps.


Web1.0 was for Company Focus.
Web2.0 was for Community Focus
Web3.0 is for individual Focus

Use Cases Example : Remedy Side Effects


In this era, searching for information about remedy side effects would likely
involve manually navigating to individual websites of medical organizations or reading through printed materials like books and pamphlets.

As a User, Enter Portal, choose site of Medicine, search for specific medicine page, read about its side effects.


In this era, searching for information about remedy side effects would likely involve using search engines
like Google or Bing to find relevant websites, blogs, and forums where people share their experiences with different remedies.

As a User, Enter Facebook Group of remedies, look for guidance about specified remedy side effects.
Other User generated responses are being measured by Likes and recommendations, Look for best response.


In this era, searching for information about remedy side effects would likely involve using decentralized search engines and databases that prioritize privacy and security.

As a User, Enter Google Search Engine and ask for remedy side effects.
Google Search Engine uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to answer the user personally.

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