about me

Susan Fuchs

Date of Birth: December 14th, 1939

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, USA

Suzie Fuchs married Itche Fuchs and they both made aliya to Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi where she still lives today.

She has 3 children and 13 grandchildren.

Suzie has many cats which she takes care of.

She is a nurse who had generations of school kids taken care by her, given tea and attention.

Susan likes opera and classical music.

She makes the best choclate cake in the world!


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What are some differences between Web1, Web2, and Web3?

1.While web1 is static and includes no interaction with the user, web2 and web3 are a dynamic version of the web which allows user interaction.

An exmaple for this difference is the use of social media platforms such as facebook and instagram which are web2 and web3 platforms because they include interaction such as the like button. While social media in web1 would be more like a blog.

2.While web1 is considered a "read only" web ,web2 is considered a "read and write" web and web3 is considered a "read, write and execute" web.

An example for this difference is the use of google docs which is a web2 platform. While google docs in web1 would be more like a simple website displaying some information, in web2 it is a collaborative document where multiple people can work on it at the same time.

3.Another difference between web2 and web3 allows semantic aware browsing while web1 and web2 do not.

An example for this difference is the use of google search, while google search in web1 and web2 is more similiar to a simple search engine, in web3 it includes semantics so the search engine allowss a more efficient search.

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